Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dianne's Story

Her story is a testament of how a daughter loves and care for her mother. The fear of death and loosing someone and most of all how faith can bring miracles.

This is her story:
Dear Bro. Bo,

My story I am going to share is about an answered prayer.

When I was 7 years old, I remember my mom puffing a cigarette. Since that time, we have been telling her to stop smoking. But over the years, she did not quit. Many things happened through the years (my dad passed away, my two older brother got married, I graduated from college and so on). MY family and I often ask her to quit, but there were many attempts but it usually lasts for maximum of two months... at time even just days and mom would promise she would just gradually stop.. gradual quitting leads to over smoking as i noticed. So still she smokes.

Some things happened in life that lead me to God. I joined a Charismatic Community in a church where I usually attend mass. To be honest, my family believes God but we were never really "connected" to him. This is just my opinion. In the community, I learned many things, like reading the Bible, we were also encouraged to confess monthly, attend Sunday masses, pray the rosary everyday, and so on.

I learned to pray the rosary every night. (a habit i need to re start again now) I prayed and asked Mama Mary's Intercession. I offered my prayer that if my mom smokes 1,000,000 sticks more in her life, each rosary bead would minus the sum. I knew I needed to pray more but I just prayed. After 9 months of praying...

In New Year 2009, it was the holiday season. Of course there were many celebrations to attend. I noticed my mom got thinner and she often had headaches, and took pain relievers often. I felt something was wrong she said it's nothing. Until on January 1, since she and I are only at home, we had a simple dinner. We ate the same food from the eve's left over. After eating, we watched Tv and she went to sleep. Since it was holiday, I watched TV for almost overnight. Until past midnight, mom woke up and she vomited and looked so sick.I was so scared.. I prayed to God Not to take my mother yet since I have no more dad. Losing my mom would really devastate me.

I asked mom if she wants to be rushed to the hospital. She nodded. I knew something was serious. I prayed since I thought I could not bear it. My brothers are in their own homes, It was just me. So i grabbed a rosary to keep me company.

In the ER, she complained many things to the doctor. Test were made and x-rays. AFter few hours, the doctor just said she had food poisoning. I could hardly believe that. We ate the same food and I ate more. But then the doctor said, that is all there is that's why she vomited. After the x-ray, the doctor found out a minimal pneumonia. The doctor assured me I have nothing to worry. Its just a "baby" pneumonia and it can be cure easily. True enough, she only had medication for 3 days.

My mom wanted to be admitted since she feels sick. MOre test were made on her. In fact, she had executive check up. months before, I already know that mom has thyroid imbalance. It's hereditary but the doctor gave prescription and it was also "nothing". I was confused why mom got so sick.

Staying in hospital alone was tiresome and depressing. I cling to God. I had to take care of mom for 4 days all by myself. ( I got sick after she was discharged). I just kept on praying and praying.

Finally, the doctor asked my mom if she smokes, my mom said yes. The doctor told her and me... that was the cause of her palpitations, dizziness, severe headaches and it triggered her thyroid imbalance. The doctor gave her a choice - to stop smoking or to prepare a million cos she can develop a heart disease if she doesn;t stop. I told my mom I don't have that amount so I asked her to stop.

Surprisingly, when we discharged. Mom quit. QUIT. totally. I am so happy!!! Now my mom looks younger, gained weight and she has no health problems. except for the thyroid imbalance which is also minor.

I remembered 30 years of smoking is hard to put an end! But yeah with God, indeed nothing is impossible! Praise The Lord! My mom's first grandchild is 7 years old when she quit. I was 7 when I asked her to quit. It took another generation for her to stop. Indeed the rosary is powerful and God is good!

I believe the food poisoning was God's way to call my mom. I am glad my mom got sick. It made her realize the bad smoking is. In addition, my mom joined me in my Charismatic Group. We go to the same group together (too sad. the group is not active now. some member relocated and some lost contact. I am praying I would have another prayer group).

If it weren't for the rosary beads and prayers, my mom could have not been saved!I am so thankful to God for giving me My charismatic group. I learned so much. Now, I am on my own so I purchase "COMPANION " at least to keep me in track daily.

I would like to share this because I want people to know how God answers prayers. I know the decision is always ours but with prayers, we become stronger in deciding. Mom is smoke-free now for 2 years. And she now telling my brother to stop smoking. I know I need to pray for him again.

Thanks Bo for reading. God bless you . :-)


Hi Dianne,

Thank you so much for your story.Your story gives hope to many people who are also praying for their loved ones to change.Sometimes, it will take a painful situation for them to change.So God may answer their prayer in an unexpected way--by allowing a trial to come.Hopefully, there is no need for the trial.Hopefully, we change because we want to--not because we have to!

I pray for you and your mother.
Keep following the Lord,

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